
Example Guitar Bodies

Unfinished Guitar Body Styles Available

We can make either AANJ or Ibanez Square Heel bodies to fit Ibanez RG and Ibanez JEM parts. Ibanez hardware from MIJ Ibanez guitars should fit. The routing works for an Ibanez Edge, Ibanez Edge Low Pro, Ibanez Edge Pro and maybe others. One of the three is recommended. The standard AANJ neck pocket is 56mm and fits snugly. This is the size used up to, but not including, the newer Ibanez Team J. Craft necks. We can do a mod to widen to 58mm or build it to the 58mm spec when you order.

We use a CNC machine with programs that are pretty close to the original. We made the pockets for the back cover plates slightly bigger than the original, so the plastic pieces fit better, even with some paint build-up. They still fit fine for a natural finish guitar. We can sell some aftermarket plates if you need them.

There are some pictures of projects various customers finished here.


Swamp Ash. These are usually a one-piece construction.

Swamp Ash and Purple Heart Stripes (we can make other types of striped bodies).

Mahogany. These are usually a one-piece construction. The figuring varies.

This is a cool top. We don't stock lot of tops, but if you pick out out and send it, we can make it into a cool JEM or RG Style body. Here are some specs for buying a top.

This is another cool top.

This one shows the "big" sustainer route. Then route fits an Ibanez Edge Zero or Ibanez Edge ZR.

Here is a SQ heel pocket with rear routing. The SQ heel route we use is set up to be used without pickup rings. The end of the neck sits flush with the pocket of the neck pickup.

Here is a video of the install of the neck:
  • Old School Neck Joint Install
  • ______________________
    This one is primed, but it shows a Square Heel body, with a front route, like an Ibanez JEM777. This one ended up going into a DY project I talk about here.

    Here is a front route in an AANJ.

    Here is a 7-string Korina with finish. Someone sent me this picture. It shows how cool a finished Korina/Limba body can look.

    • Chris Mai
    • Updated January 2021